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Inspirationen von my painted home
1."Matcha" Eggshell von Painting the Past 2. "Wheat" matt von Painting the Past 3. Transfer Redesign "The Flower Fields"
1."Matcha" Eggshell von Painting the Past 2. "Wheat" matt von Painting the Past 3. Transfer Redesign "The Flower Fields"
Buffet "Kermit"
1. Saltwash 2. diverse Blautöne von Dixie Belle 3. Gold von Painting the Past 4. Schablone Redesign 5. Topcoat Painting the Past
Landhausbuffet "Taupe"
1. "Sisal" matt Painting the Past 2. "Humus" matt Painting the Past 3. Saltwash 4. Topcoat Painting the Past
1. "Sisal" matt Painting the Past 2. "Humus" matt Painting the Past 3. Saltwash 4. Topcoat Painting the Past
1. "Verdigris" matt Painting the Past 2. "Historical White" matt Painting the Past 3. Transfer "Beautiful Sunshine" ReDesign 4. Schablone "Dainty Trellis" Posh Chalk 5. Clear Wachs & White Wachs Painting the Past
1. "Verdigris" matt Painting the Past 2. "Historical White" matt Painting the Past 3. Transfer "Beautiful Sunshine" ReDesign 4. Schablone "Dainty Trellis" Posh Chalk 5. Clear Wachs & White Wachs Painting the Past
Buffet "Romantic"
Buffet in Warm Cream & Soft Beige von Vintage Paint
Buffet in Warm Cream & Soft Beige von Vintage Paint
Vitrinenschrank "Warm Cream"
Buffet "Aloe Vera"
Buffet, Kiefer, gestrichen mit Painting the Past Eggshell
Zutatenliste: Farben: Painting the Past - Soft Black matt - Topcoat - Decoupagepapier - Schablone
Zutatenliste: Farben: Painting the Past - Soft Black matt - Topcoat - Decoupagepapier - Schablone
Zutatenliste: Farben: Painting the Past - Soft Black matt - Topcoat - Decoupagepapier - Schablone
Zutatenliste: Farben: Painting the Past - Soft Black matt - Topcoat - Decoupagepapier - Schablone
Buffet "Motorclub"
Diner Buffet
Diner Buffet
Buffet "Diner Red"
Buffet, gestrichen mit Painting the Past "Humus" Eggshell
Buffet, gestrichen mit Painting the Past "Humus" Eggshell
Buffet, gestrichen mit Painting the Past "Humus" Eggshell
Buffet "HUMUS"